Saturday, January 26, 2013

Saturday Thoughts of LOVE Inspired by the Rain and a Song :))

A few hours ago, I had a Cafetography session and just bonding with my sisters and my sister in Christ, Geri.

What started out as a lesson on my sister's new Nikon J1, ended with us spurring each other to move toward the goal and how to continue to wait faithfully on God. For whatever it is, whether it's a new job, financial provision, healing, or a partner. 

We shared how we admired marriages that seemed really good. Not because of the material provision or the good looking couple, or the beauty of their children; but how the most beautiful married couples that we look up to are actually beautiful because they are founded on Christ. We talked about the recent situation of how some marriages, or family lives aren't as cut out as they're exhibited to be on TV, movies, dramas, or even closer to home, FACEBOOK.

We are learning that God is what makes the couples we admire BEAUTIFUL. God makes their marriage WORK. God makes their marriage GROW. God makes their marriage so ENCOURAGING. God makes their marriage FULL OF HOPE. God makes their marriage GLOW.

In these times where families are being attacked, where marriage is being devalued through temporary relationships, infidelity, divorce (which by the way is a bill being talked about to be passed in the Philippines if you've been living under a rock these days.) Well it sometimes becomes quite discouraging for us. 

However, when you understand the heart of Jesus and see the hand of God in the lives, marriages, and families of others; whether they are thriving, working, struggling to make it work, shattered, you come to terms with it and see the eternal aspects of things.

It all boils down to God's LOVE. Understanding how God works. How he makes even the discouraging parts of life BEAUTIFUL IN HIS OWN TIME; well that's where you would be able to draw PEACE, COMFORT, JOY, HOPE. 

God is all knowing, but I look at my God as ALL LOVING. Whatever he does, is all out of His love for me and for the people around me. I can never predict what my future marriage will be like.  I'm not God, obviously. BUT I know that if marriage is in store for me, or even if it is singleness that He gifts me with, it's all going to be a GIFT. It will all be for His glory. In the end, it will go back to Him. Marriage or singleness should be that way right? It's all meant to glorify Him. It all goes back to Him.

I don't know what you guys are going through right now, but I just pray that whatever or wherever God has you right now, you relish it as a gift. Be overwhelmed of His love for you. His love and His faithfulness does not change because of your circumstances or your feelings. I sure can't imagine where I'd be right now if it wasn't for Him. He carries me through. I pray that you know that He's doing the same for you. Have a great weekend guys! :))

These are some of my thoughts. Oh what the rain can do. What a song can inspire. What words God can make come out.

Kari Jobe
What Love Is This

You never change, You are the God You say You are
When I'm afraid You calm and still my beating heart
You stay the same, when hope is just a distant thought
You take my pain
And You lead me to the cross

What love is this, that You gave Your life for me
And made a way for me to know You
And I confess You're always enough for me
You're all I need

I look to You
I see the scars upon Your hands
And hold the truth
That when I can't You always can
I'm standing here beneath the shadow of the cross, I'm overwhelmed that I
Keep finding open arms

What love is this that You gave Your life for me and made a way for me to
Know You
And I confess, You're always enough for me
You're all I need

Jesus in Your suffering, You were reaching; You thought of me
Jesus in Your suffering, You were reaching; You thought of me

What love is this, that You gave Your life for me
And made a way for me to know You
And I confess, You're always enough for me
You're all I need

What love is this, that You gave Your life for me
And made a way for me to know You
And I confess, You're always enough for me
Always enough for me
Always enough for me

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A God of All People

Tonight, as I waited for my last student, I downloaded my favorite Christian songs on my office PC. I was so happy when "Hosanna" by Hillsong downloaded so fast. When I opened it though, it wasn't in English like I hoped for. Instead of deleting it, I continued listening. I don't understand Spanish at all, but I felt His presence. I guess that's what it means to worship God. Jesus isn't restricted to just English or Fiilipino. No wonder so many people around the globe are getting saved. The Gospel transcends language, culture, geography, traditions and even intellect. AMAZING GOD :))

Here's the song in Spanish..

Here's the song in English..

I pray that it blesses you as much as it has blessed me. Have a great evening, day, or whatever depending on what timezone you are as you read this. May God speak to you as you find the time and place to worship Him. :))

Monday, January 14, 2013

Why are you Christian? Who made you the Christian you are now? Ask yourself.

Going back to the reason why I worship in the first place. Sometimes we got to preach the Gospel to ourselves. Christians as we are. Whether a baby one, on to your years of being one, we need to remind ourselves why and whose we are. Who made us the Christian we are today. Ask yourself. Search your heart. If it is yourself, your works, the church, your Christian friends that make you the Christian you are today, you've missed the point. You have forgotten. Read any of the gospels, better yet read the book of John, and remember. REALIZE that it all boils down to God's LOVE. His FAITHFULNESS. Happy New Year guys!