Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Letter from the man God has prepared for His lovely daughters..:)

I've read this a few years back, and now that times get a little tough, a little lonely; I look back in awe at how He has kept me for this person. Though at times it's so easy to just go for it,  it's nice to be reminded to be patient and to wait on Him. Time and time again, I am reminded that God is still working with me and He's still working in "him" and that in His most perfect way, and in His most perfect time, He would bring us together. I shouldn't be distressed, but rather be even more excited for that day, as I live my life purposefully for God.

As Elizabeth George would put it, "There is a time to act, but there is also a time to trust, to be still, to know that in His time and in His way, God makes all things beautiful. Calmly and patiently wait to behold the Lord's work in your life." I pray that this would serve as a great reminder to great women in waiting.  :)) ressa

This is a love letter written by Eric Ludy, before he met his wife Leslie Ludy

Eric Ludy  "We know Godly men are almost as rare to sight as penguins in the Bahamas, but they do EXIST & God said they are fighting the good fight on your behalf."

My Dear love,

I can hardly believe it is time for Valentines again. It seems with each passing year my love for you increases-- but then so does my patience as I wait for Jesus to bring you into my life. I long to hold you in my arms to caress your tender hands to make you smile and hear you laugh. I long to move forward into the future, Jesus is scripting for us; to partake with you by my side, all the adventures discoveries, pains, joys, victories and triumphs. But I want you to know, sweet love, I am patiently waiting.

This is my time to wait-- A time for Jesus to shape me into the man you need and deserve. As I think about the man I ought to be, I know I am desperately lacking in so many areas. I long to move further down the frontier of Godly masculinity unto "the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ" (Ephesians4:13). I want to be a man of such fullness. I recognize Jesus will be stripping , forming, and shaping me into such a man throughout my entire life, but my desire is to be as fas as possible down that path when you arrive in my life.

If I may steal a phrase I read by CJ Studd, I want no "nambypambymilksopsoftie" sort of manhood. I want the genuine thing. I want to be both warrior and poet-- a man of tenderness, love, and a soft heart while still being a man of steel, strength, nobility, and honor. Oh that you may see me as a man-- a man as he ought to be. I pray every ounce of weak and paltry imitation would flee so I may be a true man of God for thee.

My dearest love, I may not yet know the loveliness of you name nor the beauty of your face but it already takes my breath away. As I wait expectantly for God to bring you into my life, in His perfect timing, know that you are continually upheld in prayer. I pray Jesus would be the most important thing in your life-- that not even I would be able to turn your gaze from Him. I pray you allow Him to shape you into a woman of pure Godliness, without a hint of distraction, worldliness, or impurity. I pray He takes you deeper into absolute surrender and complete dependency upon Him, where the only explanation for you life is Jesus.

Oh that He might form and craft you into the most radiant and captivating of set apart women, even now. I know His work in your life will never be over, but my deep prayer and longing before we meet is that you would crave & go after the fullness of Jesus yourself. I know the world is yelling in your face to lower your standards, to throw off your elegance and grace, to allure the men around you, and a host host of other absurdities, but please oh please do not heed their voice. I wish I could stand in front of you to take the blunt of the criticism and attack, but because I am not there, hide yourself even more in Jesus. Cling to Him all the tightier. May each difficult"pressing" of life only press you deeper into Him. And know, my dear love, I am standing in prayer beside you. I am fighting and lifting you up in the spiritual realm on a daily basis.

Please be patient dear one. I know as well how it can be a struggle to wait in seeming endlessness, but the time is not afar off when He will draw us together and enable me to sweep you off your feet. Use this time to fall even more in love with Jesus. Dive deep and drink of His richness. Be consumed and passionately intimate with Him. And know, for however long it takes, I am patiently & prayerfully waiting.

Now & Forever yours,

Your future husband.

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