Tuesday, August 23, 2011

God's Word and Its Power

Was talking with a friend, only to realize we were going through the same. A season. A season where only He can deal with us. As we were talking, I tried to find the verse that talks about how God brought Jesus and other great men of the bible to the desert to deal with them. This was not what I was supposed to click but there was an urgency for me to open it. As I read it, I got teary eyed. I felt His presence. Tonight I am reminded of the importance of going to people who I know will encourage my walk with Him, and how He would turn a hi-hello conversation to a way of revealing His self. I pray that as you read this, you will be blessed. :)) ressa


How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!” Isaiah 52:7

Few days back I had a wonderful experience in my life which I would like to share with you. I was in the middle of something, when suddenly felt the urge to sit down and read the Word of God. The desire was so strong that I could not resist it…Leaving my chores half done, I responded to that sudden strong urge within me…My eyes were directed to the Gospel of John chapter 1…and I remember reading the first verse…and then tears started rolling down my cheeks…it was truly the presence of Holy Spirit…The more I read the word of God, the more I started crying…not tears of despair…but more like tears of joy and tears of thankfulness..

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men.(John 1:1-4)

Reading these verses, God started to reveal to me a great truth that the word of God that I’m holding is nothing but God himself. Because, we understand that in the beginning even when nothing was created, this Word was with God and this WORD was none other than God…Through this Word…all things were created. When there were no light, the WORD ‘Let there be Light’ was spoken, and the light was created from void…similarly everything that we see around were created. If this WORD was God..then its the same WORD I’m holding in my hand…and the revelation was so strong for me..that I could not contain the magnitude and the depth of it.

Do you realize the potential of the WORD of God that is given to you? Many a times, we do not fully understand the magnitude of its power. If the WORD was used to create things from unseen…then surely it has the power to bring life to all our deadness..it has power to create things from nothing..as though it was already there…it has power to break any hard hearted person…it has power to change any unfavorable circumstances of your life. But in order to fully exercise the power of the WORD, the person who uses it should understand the authority given to him and also should use it in faith.

While reading those verses, I heard Him whisper to me…”When you have the WORD with you…understand that I’m with you always…The more you learn about the word of God, the more you are knowing me. When you receive more revelations from the Bible…remember that you are understanding more of my characteristics….its a privilege to share the WORD of God because you are sharing ME.” I could not stop crying…

Dear child of God…The Bible that is given to us is not just any other ordinary book..It is the WORD of GOD. We may not have the wisdom to understand everything written in it…but if you start loving it…if you start reading it…if you start applying what you read in your life….then you will see changes happening in you…Because you are inviting JESUS into your life….you are knowing more about HIM…you are applying HIS characteristics in your life…in your situations. There will definitely be a difference.

Now to all those who share the Word of God…let me tell you…Every time you share this WORD…you are revealing another characteristic of God…Love of God..Mercy of God..His faithfulness…His forgiveness. None of your efforts will go wasted because the Word that goes out will not return void until it fulfills the purpose with which it was sent. You might have started this blogging..just to pen down your thoughts..but it was not a coincidence…it was in His master plan…You have been chosen and blessed to carry the WORD of God…and remember its a privilege.While there are wise and intellects in this world who are not able to understand the truths of this Bible…the great revelations of heaven which has always remained  a mystery has been revealed to people like fishermen, tax collectors and simple men like you and me…What a privilege!

God Bless,
Rani John

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