Friday, February 1, 2013

FEBRUARY 2013: A Letter I Wrote in February 2012 ---Time Capsule

UPDATE: This year's valentines letter came super late but I finally got to writing it today. Here's the link to it!

So it's February 1, 2013 already. Wew! This month came by extremely fast. Went through my Facebook notes and saw this letter I wrote for whoever he is, last year when this month came around. I'd like to jump-start this month's blog post with this. Yay for my first post this month! :)) P.S. Keep watch for this year's valentines letter. 

February 13, 2012

Dear You,

This year I decided to write you a letter. I don’t even know you yet but I know you’d be smiling when you read this. This would be the first of many more to come. 

My walk with Christ marks my time in waiting for you. Some of my good friends would say, “You’re still ok now, but you’ll eventually need a boyfriend soon.” Or “What? 2 years and a half? And you don’t date? That’s a long time.” I usually answer with a smile and ask “Bat naman?” They’d answer, “You need one. To help you take care of your sisters. Those errands. To carry your groceries, drive for you.” The list goes on and on. I answer, “Yes, I know I need someone but not a boyfriend.” When they ask what I need, I answer ”A husband.” One reaction I often get? HERE: @__@

I admit, sometimes it gets difficult. Specially when I get sick. I try my best not to because I know no one would take care of me. Times when I’m alone, LITERALLY. When sisters are away with my aunt and ALL my friends JUST HAPPEN to be busy at THE SAME TIME. Ironic huh?

I’ve been in a relationship once, for almost 4 years, that’s a long time. When you see couples walking around, you can’t help but to say “I used to have that too.” You can’t help to admit that you miss having someone along.

Specially during this time wherein everywhere you go, it reminds you of Valentines. I turn on the FM radio, and love songs are blaring from the speakers. I go to the mall, it’s red, pink, and white EVERYWHERE. I had a date with one of my girlfriends in Bo’s coffee shop last Saturday and Kuya was hanging hearts. Even in Facebook, THERE’S NO ESCAPING IT! GAAAAAA. It’s evident the status of people’s hearts with the statuses and music videos they’ve been posting as Valentines approaches. You know who’s happily in love, those blessed in their marriage, the emo, the bitter, and the BETTER.

You know, before I wouldn’t even notice. I guess it comes with age. HAHAHA! I now on a very personal level, understand the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and Erikson's stages of psycho-social development for young adults.

Amazingly though, during all this time I have experienced God as my provider. He’s provided me the comfort when things get a bit lonely. My encourager, when the world gets a toll on me. I realized it’s ok to be sick because He will take care of me. I want cake, He’s blessed me with a girlfriend who bakes them extremely well. The groceries get a bit heavy, God sends me angels in the form of friends that offer to carry them for me. I need a date, I never run out of them. Flowers, I get them too. Chocolates? Not a problem. Someone has sent me a box filled with them. Movie date? I enjoy with friends and sisters. Sometimes I even go alone. Gifts? I get the best from extremely generous people. He's teaching me to be content and to enjoy these things with the people in my life now; so that when you come along, you would be a great addition to these great experiences.

God extremely knows how to compensate. He knows how to provide the best way He can in this season. He has given me my great2x family, friends, and my spiritual family. I’m very, very blessed I must say.  He’s enjoying teaching me to relish in this season with Him, share my life with others, learn the skills I need to be that someone for you someday. Yes! I already know how to cook BUT I don’t mind adding more to my repertoire. 

I pray that during this time, you also experience God in your life the way that I have. That he keeps you strong in the faith at times like these. I pray you enjoy this season too! It is in this time that He will prepare you and mold you to be a complete person for me. I pray that this time makes you excited for when He leads you to me. I’m surely excited for the time He brings me to you.

I ask that you hold me in your prayers as I have held you in mine. May you fall so deeply in love with Him that you would also know how He wants you to love me someday. May God surround you with Godly men and women to keep your heart and eyes fixed on Him. As for me, don’t worry too much. He’s keeping me for you. Hang in there ok?

Happy Valentines Day!


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