Sunday, January 27, 2019

A Partner for the Next 2 Months

Now before you all go crazy, this partner is.. my crutches!

My PT told me to treat my crutches on our first session, "Treat this as your friend, after all it will be your partner for at most the next 2 months."

The past few weeks with my so called partner, I have learned the past few things:

1. I need to GET TO KNOW my partner.

2. As I let it get to know me, I need to BE COMFORTABLE with it.

3. I NEED TO TRUST my crutches. Wobble2x at the beginning but indeed, it's helped me prevent further accidents.

4. My crutches BALANCES ME OUT.

5. NO CHEATING. There are NO SHORTCUTS. The more you do shortcuts, the more accidents are prone to happen.

6. In relation to number 5, CHILL. Take your time.

7. GET USED to your partner.

8. Your crutches will help you in carrying your weight. DON'T BE AFRAID TO LET IT CARRY THE BURDEN.

9. TWO IS BETTER THAN ONE, always use both of them.

10. Sooner rather than later, you will be able to STAND ON YOUR OWN WITHOUT IT.

So there you are! Not exactly the post some of you were expecting at the beginning, but hey the things you learn from crutches.


  1. Replies
    1. Sorry just saw this comment. Thank you Verns for reading. Lab2x
