Monday, February 15, 2016

Where have I been all this time?

It's funny how just this Saturday a college friend asked where exactly I am right now. Perhaps he has been nostalgic of college years and well the last time I saw him was just that, college. So much has happened since then.

A lot of people posted congratulations on my wall a few months back and so some thought I got engaged or married. It's not that. I've just kept my departure and my returns pretty low-key. Only those who have spent their time with me as my departure neared, knew about it.

So here's the story. Around this very time last year I received an opportunity for a teaching job in Japan. From the very start, getting my passport renewed, resigning by faith, praying for a replacement I could train, everything just fell into place. The provision, the time, it all just happened to show off God's glory.

So last March 2015 I was asked about my availability to go to Japan. I had to say no. For the following very important reasons: 1. My youngest sister was graduating and years ago I made a promise I'd be there. You see my sister told me "Ate, I know you can't be with us forever. I understand you have your own life too. But please2x after I graduate elementary. I promise I'll be ready and you can work anywhere in the world." She tells me this I think when she was in the 4th grade or was it 3rd? And I couldn't come to terms with it at first. Coz that meant 2-3 more years during that time.

I knew I wanted something for me. I knew I could do so much more. Be so much more. So I fought God's plans. God's timing. I struggled. To apply for jobs outside of Dumaguete. Sending applications here and there, until the Department of Foreign Affairs Foreign Service Institute invited me for a pre-employment exam so I flew to Manila the next day to take it. Deciding that as I wait for the results, I'll send more applications to embassies and other government institutions.

To cut the story short, the Lord didn't grant me the job there. He made a 1day exam day turn into 2 months to just REST. I have a hard time resting. Specially when bills are piling up. But He granted a good 2 months with family. He granted me time much needed to travel with loved ones, cook for my grandmother, and see my youngest niece celebrate her 1birthmonth celebration.

I came back home having no job, increasing bills. Yet soon as I came home He was faithful. He got me a job. A job that enabled me to pay off piled up bills in less than 3 months. I worked for a Canadian-based publishing company. Worked with such intelligent people and that lasted almost a year. It prepared me for the roller coaster ride the Lord had in plan for me.

Now fastforward to 2015 that turned swiftly into 2016, I'm here! I've been here in the Land of the Rising Sun. It may have taken a while but He got me to where He wanted me. He knows where to take you and exactly how and when. Don't think He has forgotten or that he doesn't remember your heart's longings. Even when you've forgotten them yourself, He is faithful.

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